Microbots of The Future

Image result for microbotsMany wonder what the future of robots holds. Will they be humanoid? Will they take over the world? The reality is that the Microbots of the future will be able to do many things from being able to potentially rescue someone from a natural disaster, treat a cancerous disease or plague. constructing buildings to simply being an intricate little toy. Whether they are used for either recreational or real-world applicable things they will be undoubtedly be welcomed by the tech community. Many of us dream of a world where little robots could be our companions.

A study done by Yale University discusses and depicts a world where Sci-Fi topics like small Microbots which could seek and destroy the malignant cells causing a certain disease or cancer. Instead of having to use destructive techniques like chemotherapy and other dangerous drugs. This idea is not so Sci-Fi in the early twenty-first century considering the technological advances that have been made in our modern world. An example of the applications of microscopic "bots" used for medical purposes was discovered in 1993. The bacteria was called MC-1, it is magnetic and propels itself with spinning tails. The bacteria is 2 micrometers in diameter and was able to be used in a Purdue University experiment in mice. The bacteria caused adhering genes to the surface of bacteria to alter gene expression in cells. The scientists found that certain adhered luminescent cells in the organs were found which meant that the bacteria successfully attached itself to those cells. The results were performed on mice instead of humans, however these simple experiments are paving the way for great innovations in the future.

artists depiction of scary nanobot standing with 6 long sharp pointed legs and a single camera for an eye
Although nanobots do not exist yet the potential applications for them are so expansive. New innovations are being made every day and technology is constantly evolving and becoming more advanced. The future for our little microscopic friends is looking like a bright one so far.


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